22 June 2012

SOLD Bull born 31/10/10

A very promising youg bull by "JACK" (a Taurus, South Africa, "BERRETTA" son) out of  a "LUCK" heifer.    He has a nice dairy body conformation and is also an ideal bull to use on heifers.
His lineage is JACK x LUCK 

His breeding is                                                         
56% Jersey                                                             
30% Ayrshire                                                               
  6% Holstein                                                                
  6% Sahiwal                                                                    
  2 % Brown Swiss.                                                
Ready for breeding bull and his price is KShs 80.000/-   

18 June 2012

SOLD Bull born 30/08/10

This young bull is a KIAN son with the following breed composition:
44 % Holstein
26 % Sahiwal
16 % Brown Swiss
12 % MRI
  2 % Ayrshire
His maternal grand sire is PHUKET and his grand dam is one of our lifetime production champions (143 I/S) and still producing with over 50.000ltrs lifetime production so far.
He is ready to serve your cows and is highly  recommended for use on cows with a high percentage of European blood. Price: KShs 75.000/-

8 June 2012

Livestock and Poultry Sales List coming soon

Starting from July 2012 we will regularly post an updated list of all breeding Bulls and Bull calves for sale, as well as information about availability of Dairy Cows and Poultry. Please excuse the delay!