2 December 2016

MAGIC50 bull calf No. 390 "GS"

Conceived by one of the very few last remaining straws of "C.A. Sansao" the greatest Dairy Gir sire ever to have lived and out of a "KIAN" dam a bull calf with 64% Bos Indicus breeding. He will make the perfect choice to breed your very own Girolando.
His beautifully colour coat is his sire's doing...

Price KShs 100,000/-

1 December 2016

MAGIC75 bull calf No. 388 "Kalach"

An unique opportunity as this is the first 75% Gir calf born in Kenya and most likely all of Africa:

For sale @ KShs 100,000/-

30 November 2016

Plenty of News!

Good news: All the bulls are gone!
What we have tried in vain for ages was finally accomplished and with only one exception (we believe he was the necessary blood sacrifice to get things rolling), ALL BULLS have found new homes with an assured future as breeding bulls. Now they will fulfil their destiny to improve genetics in dairy, dual purpose and ranching herds for many Kenyan farmers for years to come.
Most have made the long journey upcountry heading for true cattle country. Bulls paradise in ranching land of the Massai. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Nothing truer than that. An incredible last minute intervention was made by a great friend of Makitosha Farm, a gentleman I greatly admire with the business mind of a Kikuyu and the heart of a Massai.

Bad news: It was the ultimate financial disaster for us. Almost all the bulls went below beef value, which I only agreed upon so they wouldn't be slaughtered and could do, what they were bred for to do, procreate. Young stud bulls of over two years of age for a price that did not even cover the cost of the milk we fed to them until weaning at 4 months. The semen used for their conception, lost, part of the milk we raised them with, lost, every mouthfull of maize germ meal, wheat pollard, grass, hay and silage fed to them for two years, lost, every drop of water they drank and which was used to clean their paddock, lost, every single dipping, vaccination or deworming or other medical care and medicine used on them, lost, hours upon hours of work-time spend on dehorning, feeding, cleaning and generally taking care of them, lost. We will never be able to do it again. Not for the sake of the bulls and not for the sake of Kenyan farmers.

Conclusion: If you want to share in the genetic wealth created on Makitosha Farm which was accomplished by using the world's top sires for close to 30 years, you will have to raise that bull you want to have yourself.
All bull calves will be sold at one week old or at the earliest opportunity thereafter. Only bulls we have raised to be used as our own stud bulls will become available fully grown and probable won't exceed  one to two head per year. Alternatively we will agree to custom raise our bull calves for you, to whichever age you require. Payment for the calf and rearing cost will have to be deposited upfront. If anything happens to him along the way (death), we carry the risk for you and refund you your money in full. This service will cost you:
KShs 400/- per day for the first 120 days
KShs 200/- per day thereafter

Presently we have two bull calves, one a "C.A. Sansao" son (MAGIC50) and one most likely the continent's first 75% Gir calf, a "Bonzo" son out of a "C.A. Sansao" daughter.
Their pedigrees and pictures will be published within days on this blog. Keep tuned....

28 September 2016

Bulls for Sale

This is the latest list of all bulls that we presently have for sale. It is valid until 30th November 2016 and will most likely be the last list with such a great number of bulls to choose from. We are facing the worst drought and shortage of feeds that we have ever experienced in the last 30 years. So we will not be able to feed these bulls through the coming dry season with the very limited amount of silage that we have managed to prepare this year.
Before end of this year 30 young bulls and some few free martin heifers/first calvers will have to go, most likely to slaughter. This would absolutely be my last choice option, but we cannot risk the survival of our dairy breeding herd by trying to maintain all these bulls as well.
So if you are looking for a good stud bull, here is your last chance for a ready to breed high class young bull of exceptional breeding.
For volume buyers we will offer great discount.
If you are looking for prime young beef/rose veal we have a total of 10,000kg life weight (about 30 animals, from one year to two and a half years old). Weight estimated by weigh band, ex farm gate price of KShs 160/- per kg if you take the lot.
From November 2016 all new bull calves will be sold from 3 days after being born:
  • MAGIC50 bulls (bred from pedigree 100% Brazilian Gir sires)  KShs 100,000/- each
  • All other bull calves KShs 10,000/- plus KShs 400/- feeding cost for each day older than 3 days
Rearing that bull calf to breeding age will cost you more than most of above listed bulls will cost you when bought right away. And you will greatly enjoy having their offspring within a year.
Don't let this final opportunity slip by! Don't let these bulls with such superb genetics be killed and eaten for Christmas and New Year.

15 March 2016

Bulls for sale from March 2016

All Sires marked in red are imported semen from some of the leading Sires from many different countries. More information about them can be found on http://www.makitosha.com/cows_siresusedinfo.htm .
For more detailed information or pictures of individual bulls please feel free to contact us through http://www.makitosha.com/contact.htm . 

This is the most updated list of all the bulls we presently have for sale, sorted by date of birth. The price of any un-weaned bull calves can't be quoted here as they will be weighed and priced on the day of collection. Above prices are valid until 31/05/16