26 December 2014

Puppies for sale

Only two males remaining, KShs 20,000/- each or KShs 30,000/- when taken together.

                                  All Sold

Horses for sale

There is a second Anglo-Arabian Colt, born May 2014, available for sale as well.
He has 56% Arabian and 25% Thoroughbred blood. Add to above and only pay KShs 100,000/-!
Please call Kangwana on 0733-811298 for more information or viewing appointment.

13 March 2014

Herd Bull Code Q, "Malgudo II"

This was our main herd bull for the past 4 years and left us several beautiful offspring. We have three milking daughters and several calves, when left free with the herd he is producing more heifer calves than bull calves.

His dam is one of our most outstanding cows with a present lifetime production of over 75,000 litres and she is still going strong. She competed and was well liked in the "Crossbred Cow of the Year" contest of 2013.

His sire is Sadan Phuket, one of the best pedigree Sahiwal sires ever used and developed in the New Zealand.

This bull is ideal for upgrading indigenous Zebu type cows or for increasing hardiness and producing hybrid vigour in purebred European type cows. He should be able to run freely with the cows he is supposed to serve and close handling should be avoided as much as possible as he is quite aggressive. Not suitable for small holders or zero-grazing enterprises. Best to use in dairy ranching or large pasture based systems with plenty of space.

Please contact Kangwana 0733-811298 or Ibrahim 0734-908099 if you would like to view this bull, his paternal sisters and offspring.

We are selling him for KShs 150.000/-.               SOLD